Case Studies
Taylor Method Helps Second Year Advisor Triple First Year Commissions in 3 Months

Anthony Navarro had no sales experience when he started his career as a 21 year old. His eventual manager actually told him NO the first time he went in for an interview, and his persistence and drive began to grow each day thereafter! For 4 straight months, he hounded this manager until he eventually was hired, and that same persistence got him promoted to manager half-way through his first year at one of the top financial services firms in the country.
The First 12 Months
Anthony obviously did well for a first year advisor if they promoted him to manager, but he still was nowhere near where he wanted to be. He made $36,000 in first year commissions, though too many of those cases didn’t take, fell off, or were declined. It was the classic “leading with product” mentality and telling clients “what they should get” approach. His case sizes varied from $200/mo to $500/mo. The one thing Anthony did extremely well was to have consistent activity. He was not afraid to hear “NO” and it didn’t stop him from approaching the next prospect. Taylor Method or not, this is a critical aspect of the business for any financial advisor who is starting out – thick skin! One way to attain thick skin is to have the right mindset about the work you do, which Anthony had from the beginning. He knows the work he does is noble and he truly believes that he can help people. It sounds so simple, but overcoming this belief conflict is not just important, it’s required to succeed.
The Turning Point
At the end of his first year, he was introduced to Eszylfie Taylor and the Taylor Method. Immediately, things clicked for him. “There’s just a level of confidence and enthusiasm that Eszylfie has which I’ve not seen in any other speaker. Then, when you combine that with the LANGUAGE, it hits you! I would buy from him!” Eszylfie’s language gave Anthony an immediate “this is what you say” and “this is what you do” process that was applicable the same day he learned it. It was something new and exciting. Other sales training is a lot of classroom based “strategy and technique” that’s a bit long-winded, whereas the Taylor Method is simply about “doing it” and putting things into practice with little waste. Anthony watches the videos over and over again religiously. He also takes a lot of notes, and memorizes everything Eszylfie says, rehearses it, and then he applies it. Rinse. Wash. Repeat.
The Results
Anthony wrote 3 policies on a couple for over $90,000 of target premium, and it was one of the easiest sales meetings he’s had to date. Why easy? Simple, because he used Mr. Taylor’s process and allowed the client to dictate their needs. Specifically, Anthony took Eszylfie’s "Prospect Up” and “Greed-Based Sale”language to get the job done. The clients were ecstatic that their financial matters were in order, and Mr. Navarro was on the brink of something special in only his second year in the business. His average case size has quadrupled since implementing the Taylor Method, and he’s already tripled his production from year 1 in just 3 months! Now that Anthony is a manager, he knows he has to be more efficient with his process if he’s going to produce and build his team, and the Taylor Method allows him to do just that.
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Team Success
What’s better than individual success? Seeing your new advisor of just 4 weeks close a $17,000 case with the same Taylor Method language and process. Anthony is not shy about promoting Mr. Taylor’s videos to his advisors. He even shared it with an 11 year veteran that’s made MDRT in previous years. The result – she loved it and has begun applying it to her practice.. “If you’ve always sold how you’ve sold, you’re going to get the same results, so it was refreshing to see my peer who’s 11 years into her career find value in it.”
What’s next?
Anthony’s goal is to hit $350,000 in revenue and to keep improving each year while helping as many clients as he can. It’s all within reach! Anthony had ZERO sales experience, and our language and process gave him the confidence to create breakthrough production. On the heels of this success, he’s decided to leave Western & Southern to pursue his own independent financial services practice in 2021.