Case Studies
How a Taylor Method Member Increased His Production by 6x in Less Than a Year

Andrew Mortenson is an Advisor at Thrivent Financial, and we had the chance to speak with him about his experience with The Taylor Method. His results have been incredible, so you’re going to want to read on. Mortenson discovered The Taylor Method via an article written in MDRT magazine a couple of years ago about Eszylfie. One thing that resonated with him was how Eszylfie spoke about his values and ethics. He was so impressed by the article that he later went to hear him speak at an industry meeting, and that’s when he heard about The Taylor Method. At that moment, he thought, “Ok, I can get one-on-one coaching from this advisor? Sign me up. I don’t care what it costs.” He signed up on May 1st, 2017, and has been coaching with him ever since. His main takeaway from 1-on-1 coaching has been his mindset transition from thinking like a salesperson to now thinking like a business owner. Specifically, he is more conscious of how he spends his time. As a Christian advisor, for years he struggled with the thought of turning away people because they didn’t make enough money to meet with him. He works with high net worth individuals but believes that everyone should be served; so how did he solve that problem? He brought on an advisor to serve those clients, and now when young families come in, he never has to debate whether or not to turn them away; now he has an expert he can refer them to right in his office! That freed him up to focus on his wheelhouse which is retirement, estate, and philanthropic planning and still serve people that don’t fall into those categories.
According to Mortenson, the first year he was in business was horrible. By his 3rd year in the business, he made the basic level of MDRT, and he remained at that level for the next 5 years. This year, his 9th year in the business, he joined The Taylor Method. As of October 2017, he’s on his way to making Top of the Table for the first time, which is a 6x increase in production! At this point he says he’s stopped looking at the numbers, and that it’s about the impact. We asked Mortenson to share what he would say to an advisor on the fence about joining The Taylor Method? He referred to this bible verse: “Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.” – Proverbs 4:7
According to Mortenson, your biggest investment in your business should be you; because most people’s’ business can’t thrive without them. “And the good news is that The Taylor Method is ridiculously affordable.”
“Coaching changes your life if you allow it to,” said Mortenson.
“Get out of your own way; so many people want to make coaching a head decision; dollars and cents when it has to be a heart decision. That’s why they should sign up for the Taylor Method”.
Mortenson is not a unique case; we have plenty of other stories about subscribers of the Taylor Method significantly increasing their production in a short period of time. Why? Because we provide a concise system that’s easy to apply and one that’s used daily by a Top of the Table producer. Do you want to see how it can transform your business? Then join The Taylor Method.