Case Studies
How a 23-Year Old Agent Increased his Life Insurance Production 13x in Less Than 2 Months

Johnathan Burgess is less than 2 years into the business as an Agent with American National, and was looking for a way to improve his life insurance production. Initially focused primarily on Property & Casualty (P&C), he understood the need and value of life insurance, but didn’t have the language, process, or mindset to relay that need and value to his prospects. It was only when he heard Eszylfie Taylor speak at an event in Destin, Florida, that he knew he’d found the missing link. From the start of his career in November 2018 to the end of October 2019, Johnathan had done $35,000 in total life premiums. Since joining the Taylor Method, Johnathan has done nearly $60,000 in life premiums in just 1 ½ months! (and there’s still all of December left!)
How He Did It
The biggest shift in mindset that Mr. Burgess had was the belief conflict. Things clicked for him when Eszylfie said “Nobody’s doing you a favor by meeting with you. You’re doing THEM a favor.” What he means is, if you don’t close that deal, you’re not liquidating your business or firing your staff. You’ll move on to the next client and do what you can to help them. Your clients, however, are the ones who might have to close down their business, sell their home, or find another job if calamity hits. The next important piece of information for Johnathan was theValue of Scheduled Appointments. His number is $613, which means, every booked appointment, no matter if the meeting happens or not, is worth $613. “How could you not dial for appointments?!” Johnathan says. Finally, the language! Mr. Taylor’s “objection-free sales process” in combination with enough appointments and the right mindset was the true game changer.
Says Mr. Burgess, “I attribute ALL my success to it. I didn’t have the language. Eszylfie has the language. He’s helping me help other people. If you go into a meeting with sincere intentions and Eszylfie’s language, there’s no way you don’t close.”
The language and process helped Johnathan get to the core of a client’s needs, goals, and objectives. It allowed him to address objections before they happened! There’s no mention of a carrier or a specific product in any of the teachings, which makes these concepts transferable to any agent or advisor, from any part of the world!
His Advice to Other Advisors
“You have to be intentional when you sign up for the Taylor Method. You will get out what you put in.” Johnathan carves out at least an hour every day to watch videos, whether it’s during a drive, or while he’s at the gym. When he’s done watching all the videos, he goes right back and rewatches them. Why?
“It’s too much information to comprehend by just watching the videos once. Think of a conversation you had 20 minutes ago with somebody – you cannot tell me everything that person said, and so I always go back and listen because you find something extra each time.”
If Johnathan plans to book appointments first thing in the morning, he’ll watch prospecting videos. If he has a meeting with a young couple, he’ll watch the Client Meeting video with the young couple. Whatever the scenario, he knows there’s something he can watch or listen to and sharpen his skills. “If you close ONE additional deal with a snippet you gained from Eszylfie, it pays for itself. It’s a no brainer.”
What’s Next for Johnathan’s Practice?
He’s so confident in this process that at age 23, he’s bringing on two salaried positions into his office as he heads into 2020. His next goal is to be the #1 Life producer for American National in the state of South Carolina. It’s all within reach.
What’s next for your practice?
Give the Taylor Method a shot. Get started today and begin to see the positive impact it has on you and your clients! Is it one day, or day one? You decide.